YAML Database

YAML database is a document database which stores documents as YAML files. The documents in the database can be maintained by simply editing the yaml files.

This database was designed to be used for systems like CMS systems, where an easy way to edit data is necessary and the number of data objects is not very high. It can be also used to store settings and configurations.

Storing the database as separate files lets you use version control systems like git on the database, which is again ideal for storing settings, configurations, blog posts and CMS content.


  • Can easily change database entries
  • Can use version control on the database
  • Ideal for settings and configurations (user configs etc)


  • No SQL or similar functionality (like searching the database)
  • Not suitable for storing transactional data

Github - https://github.com/vpj/yamldb

fs = require 'fs'
YAML = require "yamljs"
_ = require 'underscore'

Find files in a directory

findFiles = (dir, callback) ->
 fileList = []
 err = []

 callbackCount = 0

 done = ->
  if callbackCount is 0
   err = null if err.length is 0
   callback err, fileList

 recurse = (path) ->
  fs.readdir path, (e1, files) ->
   if e1?
    err.push e1

   for file in files
    continue if file[0] is '.'
    do (file) ->
     f = "#{path}/#{file}"
     fs.stat f, (e2, stats) ->
      if e2?
       err.push e2

      if stats.isDirectory()
       recurse f
      else if stats.isFile()
       fileList.push f


 recurse dir


Setup the database with a set of models and a directory. The models will reside in subdirectories with the same name.

Each model should be a subclass of Model class.

class Database
 constructor: (path, models) ->
  @models = models
  @path = path

Save a model

 save: (model, data, file, callback) ->
  data = YAML.stringify data, 1000, 1
  fs.writeFile file, data, encoding: 'utf8', (err) ->
   callback err

Load files

This will load all the files of type model recursing over the subdirectories.

 loadFiles: (model, callback) ->
  path = "#{@path}/#{model}"
  objs = []
  files = []
  err = []
  n = 0

  loadFile = =>
   if n >= files.length
    err = null if err.length is 0
    callback err, objs

   @loadFile model, files[n], (e, obj) ->
    if e?
     err.push e
     objs.push obj

  findFiles path, (e, f) ->
   err = e
   err ?= []
   files = f

Load file

Loads a single file of type model

 loadFile: (model, file, callback) ->
  fs.readFile file, encoding: 'utf8', (e1, data) =>
   if e1?
    callback "Error reading file: #{file}, #{e1}", null

    data = YAML.parse data
   catch e2
    callback "Error parsing file: #{file}, #{e2}", null
   callback null, new @models[model] data, file: file, db: this

Model class

Introduces class level function initialize and include. This class is the base class of all other data models. It has get and set methods to change values. The structure of the object is defined by defaults.

class Model
 constructor: ->
  @_init.apply @, arguments

 _initFuncs: []

Register initialize functions.

All initializer funcitons in subclasses will be called with the constructor arguments.

 @initialize: (func) ->
  @::_initFuncs = _.clone @::_initFuncs
  @::_initFuncs.push func

 _init: ->
  for init in @_initFuncs
   init.apply @, arguments

Include objects.

You can include objects by registering them with @include. This solves the problem of single inheritence.

 @include: (obj) ->
  for k, v of obj when not @::[k]?
   @::[k] = v

 model: 'Model'

 _defaults: {}

Register default key value set.

Subclasses can add to default key-values of parent classes

 @defaults: (defaults) ->
  @::_defaults = _.clone @::_defaults
  for k, v of defaults
   @::_defaults[k] = v

Build a model with the structure of defaults. options.db is a reference to the Database object, which will be used when updating the object. options.file is the path of the file, which will be null if this is a new object.

 @initialize (values, options) ->
  @file = options.file if options.file?
  @db = options.db
  @values = {}
  values ?= {}
  for k, v of @_defaults
   if values[k]?
    @values[k] = values[k]
    @values[k] = v

Returns key value set

 toJSON: -> _.clone @values

Get value of a given key

 get: (key) -> @values[key]

Set key value combination

 set: (obj) ->
  for k, v of obj
   @values[k] = v if k of @_defaults

Save the object

 save: (callback) ->
  return unless @file?

  @db.save @model, @toJSON(), @file, callback


exports.Database = Database
exports.Model = Model