
Wallapatta Update

December 01, 2015

Wallapatta1 got some new features.

First is full width blocks. These span into the sidenote area. These are ideal for large images and quotes.

Next is javascript, coffeescript or weya template blocks. These can have code that generates html.

Heres a coffeescript block.

 "7 * 100 = <strong>#{7 * 100}</strong>"

Here's a weya block that generates the Forestpin logo in an SVG.

 G = 1.618
 H = 13
 order = [2, 4, 1, 0, 3]
 heights = (H * Math.pow G, i for i in order)
 @svg width: 250, height: 250, ->
  @g transform: "translate(2, 154)", ->
   for h, i in heights
    @g ".bar", transform: "translate(#{i * 50}, 0)", ->
     @rect y: -h * G, width: 46, height: h * G, fill: '#4a4a4a'
     @rect width: 30.67, height: h,fill: '#98ff98'
     @rect x: 30.67, width: 15.33, height: h, fill: '#8bea8b'

Checkout for details

1 Wallapatta is similar to markdown. It supports a document layout inspired by Edward Tufte's handouts and books. This blog is written in Wallapatta.

7 * 100 = 700

It generates the Forestpin Logo

<<>>^^1^^ got some new features. >>> ^^1^^ Wallapatta is similar to markdown. It supports a document layout inspired by Edward Tufte's handouts and books. This blog is written in Wallapatta. * <<>> * <<>> * <<>> <!> First is full width blocks. These span into the sidenote area. These are ideal for large images and quotes. ! Next is javascript, coffeescript or weya template blocks. These can have code that generates html. Heres a coffeescript block. ```coffeescript <<<coffee "7 * 100 = <strong>#{7 * 100}</strong>" >>> <<<coffee "7 * 100 = <strong>#{7 * 100}</strong>" Here's a weya block that generates the <<>> logo in an SVG. >>> << on Github)>> ```coffeescript <<<weya G = 1.618 H = 13 order = [2, 4, 1, 0, 3] heights = (H * Math.pow G, i for i in order) @svg width: 250, height: 250, -> @g transform: "translate(2, 154)", -> for h, i in heights @g ".bar", transform: "translate(#{i * 50}, 0)", -> @rect y: -h * G, width: 46, height: h * G, fill: '#4a4a4a' @rect width: 30.67, height: h,fill: '#98ff98' @rect x: 30.67, width: 15.33, height: h, fill: '#8bea8b' >>> It generates the <<>> Logo <<<weya G = 1.618 H = 13 order = [2, 4, 1, 0, 3] heights = (H * Math.pow G, i for i in order) @svg width: 250, height: 250, -> @g transform: "translate(2, 154)", -> for h, i in heights @g ".bar", transform: "translate(#{i * 50}, 0)", -> @rect y: -h * G, width: 46, height: h * G, fill: '#4a4a4a' @rect width: 30.67, height: h,fill: '#98ff98' @rect x: 30.67, width: 15.33, height: h, fill: '#8bea8b' Checkout << for details